
2022年10月20日—MIAstandsforMissinginAction….Whenaservicemember,duringacombatsituation,ismissingandcan'tbelocated.Thiscouldbedueto ...,MIAisanabbreviationfor'missinginaction'.[mainlyUS].HewaslistedasMIA.AnMIAissomeonewhoismissinginaction....effortstodiscoverthe ...,任務中失蹤(英語:Missinginaction;MIA)是軍事損失的一種,指的是軍事人員在戰鬥行動中被上報失蹤。他們的結局有可能是戰死、受傷、被俘...

What does it mean when someone goes MIA (missing in ...

2022年10月20日 — MIA stands for Missing in Action…. When a service member, during a combat situation, is missing and can't be located. This could be due to ...

MIA definition and meaning

MIA is an abbreviation for 'missing in action'. [mainly US]. He was listed as MIA. An MIA is someone who is missing in action. ...efforts to discover the ...


任務中失蹤(英語:Missing in action;MIA)是軍事損失的一種,指的是軍事人員在戰鬥行動中被上報失蹤。他們的結局有可能是戰死、受傷、被俘或者逃跑。

Jul 6, 2020

2020年7月6日 — 其實是“Missing In Action”的意思。 這個用法是以前在戰場上的術語,說明士兵在戰後失蹤下落不明。 MIA現在是代表一個人已經好久不見、消失、已登出在人 ...

Missing in action

Missing in action (MIA) is a casualty classification assigned to combatants, military chaplains, combat medics, and prisoners of war who are reported ...

Does MIA really mean “missing in action”?

2018年5月17日 — In the military, it means “Missing in Action”. Meaning, not dead, not seen to be killed, but just not found.


abbreviation for missing in action: used for saying that a member of the armed forces has not returned from fighting in a war but is not known for certain ...

MIA Definition & Meaning

The meaning of MIA is missing in action —often used figuratively for someone or something notably or unexpectedly missing, absent, or inactive.

Yo what do they mean by mia? I know its missing in action ...

2021年3月8日 — M.I.A is just a simple term used by the military when a soldier cant be found by conventional means. this doesn't mean he's dead this simply ...